"Free" mobile internet from Mobil.cz

http://www.mobil.cz/ offers free (actually 33 CZK/month that can be spend for calls and premium SMS) “32/16 kb/s” internet service. This sounds great for users like me that use mobile internet once a while for SSH and plaintext e-mails. How useful it is?

I have tested it on 3G in Prague. SSH is fine and even fullscreen applications like htop, vim and irssi are perfectly usable.

Browsing web… depends on page size. Normal pages are fine, modern bloated web is very slow.

Download speed: 3.9 KiB/s on both HTTP, HTTPS and SSH on standard and non-standard ports.

Upload speed: 1.5 KiB/s

--- nix.cz ping statistics ---
128 packets transmitted, 128 received, 0% packet loss, time 127166ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 27.000/55.416/84.371/11.572 ms