====== RTL-SDR TCXO mod ====== * Buy [[http://www.ebay.com/itm/400943404059|TCXO 28.8MHz 28.800M Ultra precision Crystal Oscillators DIP 0.5ppm]] * Desolder RTL-SDR xtal /-----------\ | 1 3 | | 2 4 | +-----------/ (top view) * Solder: * 1 ... +3.3V (can be found e.g. on the IR receiver) * 2 ... not connected * For rtl-sdr that used the small rectangular oscillator: * 3 ... R820T pin 8 (the second in the second row) * For rtl-sdr that used the 2-pin THT xtal * 3 ... the other pin than pin 8 that was connected to the xtal * 4 ... GND * Enjoy your 0.5ppm experience! * When used in constant temperature, the original oscillator and TCXO provide comparable performance (+/- 0.1 ppm over several hours). * However, increasing the temperature from 28 to 48 °C means 0.14 ppm drift of the TCXO, but 3 ppm drift of the original oscillator.