===== blobutils =====
Tools to manipulate binary data in Unix, because it was a nightmare.
They are not fast (written in shell and Python), I usually need to convert only several bytes, so it does not matter.
Terms: bin: raw binary data; bits: ascii '0' and '1'; hex: ascii hexdump
blbgrep: grep binary file
> blbgrep data.bin 04 ee 04 7e
blbinhex: hexdump (binary to hexa)
blbithex: bits to hex
> echo 1110 0011 | blbithex
blcstruct: unpack C structure, e.g. "blcstruct f" unpacks array of floats
blhexbin: hex to binary
blhexbit: hex to bits
blhexbitmap: hex to black and white image (e.g. adafruit gfx format)
echo 22 54 54 78 42 | blhexbitmap
██ ███ █
█ █ █ ██
█ █ █ ██
█ ███
█ ████ █
blhexflip: interactive binary editor
blhexrev: no idea
blrev: MSB to LSB format
blxor: 64bit xor (used heavily during implementation of A5/1 cracker)
dechex, dechex: base convert
gp.sh: 1D data plot. First column is label, second value. Parameter is filename.
echo -e "bla -7.247 \nble 3.28 \nfoo 0.3 \nxx 1" | gp.sh my_numbers
gr-pack, gr-unpack: convert binary to gnuradio bytes and back
itemize: add line numbers (I did not know about nl command back then)
sum.sh: sum numbers, one per line
echo -e "-7.247 \n 3.28 \n 0.3 \n 1" | sum.sh
udate: unix timestamp to human-readable date