====== Blackweb, or how to fix unreadable web pages ====== OMFG, almost all websites have long text gray on white with reduced thickness. This is unreadable with my eyes on my displays. I personally use Stylus Firefox addon to apply custom styles to webpages. However, you can also put it to chrome/userContent.css [[https://ffeathers.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/how-to-override-css-stylesheets-in-firefox/|according to this article]]. Btw. there [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylish#Privacy_issues|was a backdoor in Stylish]], use Stylus instead. @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); body { font-feature-settings: "liga" 0 !important; } /* firefox reader */ body.light { color: #000 !important; } @-moz-document domain("mestemnakole.cz") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } .blog-comment { color: #000; } textarea { height: 600px !important; } } @-moz-document domain("blog.cryptographyengineering.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("blog.erratasec.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("www.copenhagenize.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("web.archive.org") { #pjgm-content { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("www.itbiz.cz") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("dinosaurusblog.wordpress.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("www.lesswrong.com") { .PostsPage-postContent { color: #000f !important; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("blisty.cz") { p { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("liberland.org") { .posttext { color: #000; font-weight: normal; } } @-moz-document domain("nature.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("theguardian.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("www.lekari-bez-hranic.cz") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("copenhagenize.com") { .post span { color: #000 !important; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("cyklistesobe.cz") { #map { height: 700px !important; } } @-moz-document domain("practicalcryptography.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("wikipedia.org") { .mw-body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("wikibooks.org") { .mw-body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("is.muni.cz") { div.chapter, div.sect1, div.book, div.preface, div.appendix, div.index, div.bibliography, div.glossary { height: 800px !important; } } @-moz-document domain("lupa.cz") { #main { width: 95% !important; } } @-moz-document domain("github.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("blog.xkcd.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.2; } } @-moz-document domain("yarchive.net") { body { color: #000 !important; } } @-moz-document domain("www.lupa.cz") { .urs { color: #000 !important; } } @-moz-document domain("solidarita.noblogs.org") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; font-weight: normal; } } @-moz-document domain("www.root.cz") { /*.page { margin-left: 0px !important; max-width: 1290px; }*/ body { color: #000 !important; } /*.sidebar {position: relative !important; }*/ .content--bg { background: #fff !important; } /*.detail__info-bar { display:none !important; }*/ } * { animation-iteration-count: 1 !important; } @-moz-document domain("cryptopals.com") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("statnice.matfyz.info") { body { color: #000 ; background-color: #fff; } } @-moz-document domain("rozpad.cz") { #logo { background-image: none; height: 20px; } } @-moz-document domain("wiki.analog.com") { body { color: #000; } } @-moz-document domain("mojefedora.cz") { body { color: #000 ; } } @-moz-document domain("tutorial.math.lamar.edu") { img { top: 0 !important; /*margin-bottom: 50px !important;*/ } .MPScreenEqn { position: relative !important; } } @-moz-document domain("a2larm.cz") { body { color: #000 !important; } } @-moz-document domain("slatestarcodex.com") { /*@-moz-document domain("abclinuxu.cz") { .ds_text_user7626 > .ds_text { display: none; } }*/ #pjgm-content { color:#000 !important; font: initial !important; line-height:1.4 !important; } } @-moz-document domain("publi.cz") { p {color:black !important;} }