====== Your own Barnevernet setup ====== Requirements: * Windows 7/8/10 * Visual Studio (2013, but other should work too) * [[https://www.openssl.org/|openssl]] ===== Certificate generation ===== Generate the certificate: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout nodes.pem -out nodes.pem -days 365 -nodes openssl pkcs12 -export -out nodes.pfx -nodes -inkey nodes.pem -in nodes.pem Note the certificate fingerprint: openssl x509 -noout -in nodes.pem -fingerprint ===== Compilation ===== [[http://jenda.hrach.eu/barnevernet/|Download the source code]]. Open the "client" project. Edit ClientWorker.cs: * ip: set to your IP address * servercert: the certificate fingerprint (generated above) Build → Build solution. The resulting binary is client/bin/x86/Release/client.exe. Open the "server" project. Edit ServerWorker.cs: * certpath: path to the certificate you have generated Build → Build solution. Now you can run server.exe and send client.exe to your users.